Harvest Blessings

To everyone who made Mystic South possible,

It is with sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for all that was accomplished to create and carry out this feat of magic.  I was a participant on Saturday and a presenter on Sunday morning.  

We arrived late on Friday to a full hotel and many exciting possibilities.  After a day of interesting presentations in an increasingly sweat-lodge-like purification on Saturday, the ritual energies were set for my new moon presentation on sacred ritual body poses.  

Back in January, when I applied for a presentation position, the Great Bear's Healing posture was the energy that would not be denied.  I thought it a strange choice, since the end of July would be better suited to something more in alignment with the energies of water, gardening, or harvesting.  

Now I see, with exceptional clarity, why the Great Bear's healing was the perfect fit.  Despite my initial nervousness, I was privileged and honored to guide and witness the healing process of several of my presentation's participants deepen and take on new meaning and purpose for them.  I was able to offer them an effective spiritual tool that is practical in our modern lives, while maintaining the integrity of these ancient gifts.

In conclusion, I wish to thank all of the Mystic South teams, the gathering itself, it's attendees, the Ancestors of these southern lands and the spirits who helped to co-create such a powerful and impossible event, transforming the experience and those who took part, no matter how seemingly insignificant the role.  I continue to reap the blessings as I celebrate the harvest season and its many treasures.

(Original artwork by CShepard c.2017 www.cshepardarts.com)


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